Oo-rah, oo-rah, and oo-rah to all of the motivators out there that join us month in and month out for our humble yet motivating online magazine. We thank you for your support and we hope that the quality of our magazine keeps you coming back for more. Well, enough of the broohaha. Let's talk about something that's going to help you shed those unwanted pounds.

Last issue we started talking about the energy nutrients and gave you a caloric breakdown of each one. Now we'll go a little further in depth about the energy nutrients, specifically, carbohydrates.

First, let's recap. The three basic energy nutrients are Protein, carbohydrates and fats. We explained before that each one had different caloric values. Well, these nutrients get broken down in the body in different ways.

The body breaks down carbohydrates and fats, and primarily uses them for energy. Protein is broken down and a small part may be used for energy while the majority is used for the rebuilding of muscles and cells (primarily made of protein). All carbohydrate, when broken down, is converted to a form of sugar called glucose.

After you eat, this glucose causes insulin to be released. The insulin helps regulate blood sugar levels and stimulates the uptake of glucose into the muscles and liver. Once the muscles are filled with glucose or its stored form, glycogen, the excess must go somewhere. If you're exercising strenuously, your muscles are using it up. However, if you're sedentary, meaning you're sitting on your duff, then that extra glucose is converted and stored as bodyfat. The body stores fat for later use. That is extremely demotivating. One must be careful when consuming carbohydrates. To help understand why, let's elaborate on carbohydrates.

You have several types of carbohydrate: Simple carbohydrates, complex carbohydrates and fiber.

Simple carbohydrates, along with alcohol are absorbed through the lining of the stomach directly into the bloodstream. The reason for this is in the name. They are simple because they are simply put together and easily broken down. Simple carbohydrates cause the quickest spike in insulin levels. These are the first to be converted to bodyfat when an excess amount is consumed.

Next, you have complex carbohydrates. They are tightly put together and are difficult to breakdown. It takes a little time. Further, they don't cause a quick, immediate spike in insulin levels. Then you have fiber. Fiber is the most difficult to break down. Thus, causing the lowest amount of insulin release.

The harder your body has to work to breakdown the food you eat, the more calories you burn in the process.

Let's say that again.


The bottom line is to start shifting the types of calories you eat to complex carbohydrates and fiber and be limiting on the amount of simple carbohydrates you consume. Examples of simple carbohydrates are sugar, fruits, juices and hardcandies. Examples of complex carbohydrates are potatoes, bread and pasta. Eat healthy, live long and prosper.

Hey, that's the scoop this issue of Semper Fitness. Join us next time where we continue our talk about the energy nutrients. Until then eat healthy, stay pumped, stay motivated and oo-rah!

Semper Fi!